According to experts, the first week of pregnancy begins on the seventh day of a woman's last period. In such a situation, it may take some time for the symptoms to appear. If you are also thinking of conceiving, here are the symptoms of the first week of pregnancy, which can help you a lot.
Missed menstrual period
A missed period is the first major sign of pregnancy. Even if you bleed very little, you can still be pregnant. Therefore, if you miss a period or have a light period, you should get tested.
Body cramps
Cramping is another symptom of pregnancy. When the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus, women begin to experience cramping. Some women experience cramping in the abdomen, pelvis, and lower back.
morning sickness
70 percent of women suffer from morning sickness in the beginning of pregnancy. This means vomiting and nausea after waking up in the morning. Many women feel like vomiting for the entire 3 months and after that this problem gets cured. While some women struggle with morning sickness for the entire nine months.
Weakness and fatigue
Women with regular periods may feel weakness and fatigue. Although women with regular periods may not know that they are pregnant, if they start feeling excessive fatigue, they should go for a checkup.
There may be swelling
Due to hormonal fluctuations, some women experience swelling just before and during periods. Swelling in the body is also a sign of pregnancy. However, most women ignore this symptom of pregnancy.
Every woman's body is different and she experiences many different symptoms before the pregnancy is confirmed. Therefore, women should be aware of the early pregnancy symptoms before planning a family.
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