Marriage is a very sacred bond. Every country has its own culture regarding marriage, following which every custom is completed. Young boys and girls around the world dream of getting married one day and wait for a right partner in life to fulfill that dream. Marriage is a ceremony that is celebrated with full happiness, but you will be surprised to know that in India's neighboring country China, people are married after their death. This is a special kind of tradition here, which has been followed for centuries. Let us know why this is done here.
In China even the dead get married
In China, people have been marrying after death for the last 3000 years. This is known here as Ghost Wedding. According to traditional Chinese beliefs, when a person dies, his existence continues even after that.
This practice fulfills the dreams of parents
Chinese folklore expert Huang Jingchun said that while this custom fulfills the last wish of the deceased, it is also followed to meet the emotional needs of the deceased's relatives who are still alive, who once wanted to see their son or daughter get married but died a bachelor.
Are Chinese people afraid of the dead?
Another reason why this practice has lasted so long is people's fear of the dead. Chinese elders still believe that if people die without fulfilling their wishes, such as getting married, their souls will not find peace and will come back as ghosts to haunt the living.
How does ghost marriage happen?
The practice of ghost marriage is most prevalent in northern Chinese provinces such as Shanxi, Shandong and Hebei. There are generally two types of ghost marriages in these regions. These involve couples who die before or after their engagement. After which the parents of the boy and the girl perform a wedding ceremony with love and happiness. After the wedding ceremony is completed, they are buried together.
Parents are looking for a life partner for their dead child
Another type of ghost marriage is when parents of people who died alone and had no partner look for a suitable partner for their dead child. The parents ask the family of the other dead person about his family background, occupation, age and also ask for a photo. A wedding is then held, and the bodies are exhumed and later buried together in a new grave.
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