Taiwan reports massive Chinese incursion amid escalation of tensions

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
3 Min Read

In a significant escalation of tensions, Taiwan reported on Tuesday that as of 6 a.m. today (UTC+8), a total of 17 aircraft of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) and 8 ships of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) were detected flying in the vicinity of Taiwan.

According to the Ministry of National Defense, 10 Chinese aircraft entered Taiwan's southwestern Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), following which the Taiwanese armed forces retaliated. The situation is being closely monitored, with Taiwanese military forces taking necessary actions in response to the presence of Chinese military assets near Taiwanese airspace and waters.

“As of 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today, 17 #PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN ship movements have been observed around #Taiwan. 10 of these aircraft have entered Taiwan's southwestern ADIZ. #ROCAarmedForces have monitored the situation and taken actions accordingly,” Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense said in a post on X.

The development reflects ongoing tensions between Beijing and Taipei over issues of sovereignty and regional security.

The Ministry of National Defense reiterated Taiwan's commitment to defending its territorial integrity and maintaining regional stability amid increasing military activity in the region. The presence of PLA aircraft and PLAN ships near Taiwan has raised concerns internationally, especially amid ongoing geopolitical tensions in the Asia-Pacific region.

The United States and other regional partners are closely monitoring the situation and stressing the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Since September 2020, China has increased its use of grey zone tactics by increasing the number of military aircraft and naval ships operating around Taiwan.

Grey zone tactics are defined as “an effort, or series of efforts, beyond static-deterrence and reassurance that attempts to achieve one's security objectives without using direct and massive force.”

This latest incident is one of a series of similar provocations by China in recent months. China has increased its military activities around Taiwan, including regular air and naval incursions into the ADIZ.

Taiwan has long been a contentious issue in Chinese foreign policy. China continues to claim sovereignty over Taiwan, considers it part of its territory, and insists on reunifying it by force if necessary.

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