Taiwan issues travel warning amid threats from Beijing

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
3 Min Read

Taiwan has advised its citizens not to travel to China, Hong Kong and Macau following Beijing's threats to kill supporters of Taiwan independence.

Liang Wen-chieh, a spokesman for Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, issued the warning in response to growing tensions with China, which considers Taiwan part of its territory and has refused to negotiate with the Taiwanese government since the election of President Tsai Ing-wen in 2016.

The advisory aims to warn travellers travelling to Taiwan about potential risks under China's new guidelines targeting supporters of Taiwan independence. Although there is no travel ban, citizens are advised to avoid expressing political views or engaging in activities that could subject them to detention or prosecution by Chinese authorities.

Earlier, Taiwan had criticised Beijing's threat of harsh punishments, including the death penalty, for those supporting Taiwan independence.

A notice issued by Beijing prescribes the death penalty for independence leaders who cause serious damage to the state and the people, while other prominent supporters could face sentences ranging from 10 years to life in prison.

Taipei has denounced the new Chinese guidelines, saying Beijing does not have legal jurisdiction over Taiwan, and rejected the rules as not binding on Taiwanese citizens.

The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) also issued a press release criticizing the guidelines previously announced by Chinese authorities, calling them “regrettable” and describing them as provocative and harmful to interactions between the people of Taiwan and mainland China. The MAC also advised Taiwanese living in or planning to visit China to remain vigilant and exercise caution.

China's growing pressure on supporters of Taiwan independence stems from its long-standing claim that Taiwan is part of it, although the island has been self-governing since 1949. Tensions have been heightened by Taiwan's international activities and Beijing's efforts to diplomatically isolate Taiwan.

The CCP regards advocacy for Taiwan independence as a direct challenge to its sovereignty, resulting in punitive measures such as legal threats and economic pressure.

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