Actress Swara Bhaskar has a frank and frank opinion on every issue. Now she has reacted to the report of Justice Hema Committee. The allegations of sexual harassment in the report of this committee have created a stir in the entire Malayalam film industry. Many actresses made shocking revelations about casting couch, sexual harassment and hell-like conditions. After the release of this report, 17 people have resigned from AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists), including the name of star Mohanlal. Swara Bhaskar recently saw this report and reacted to it. Swara Bhaskar said that her heart was shaken because everything that has come out in it is well known. By saying this, Swara Bhaskar has also targeted Bollywood somewhere. Along with this, Swara Bhaskar also praised the 'Women in Cinema Collective (WCC). The actress admitted that the efforts of WCC played an important role in bringing the issues of sexual harassment and violence to the fore.
Swara Bhaskar on Justice Hema Committee report
Swara Bhaskar wrote in the caption on her Instagram account, 'I just read the Hema Committee report and its revelations are heartbreaking. My heart is completely broken. These are some well-known ones too.' Sharing her horrific experience, she wrote in the post, 'Showbiz is no longer just patriarchal, but it is completely dominated by men. Patriarchy has been completely established here. Successful actors, directors and producers are given the status of God and whatever they do is successful. If they do something they are not interested in, then everyone around starts looking for someone else to make their role model. If someone makes too much noise and raises voice against them, he is treated badly. But keeping quiet is commendable and rewarded.'
I am very scared… Prithviraj and Nani broke silence on Justice Hema Committee report, Mohanlal and Mammootty still silent
17 members including Mohanlal resigned from AMMA, there was uproar in Malayalam film industry due to allegations of harassment
Swara Bhaskar further wrote, 'The Hema Committee report has detailed the experiences of women in the Malayalam film industry, but this is only because the horrific case of sexual harassment of an actress allegedly by superstar Dileep opened a Pandora's box for them. And the women of WCC and their well-wishers did wonders. They united. Demanded justice and equal treatment. Reading this report was heartbreaking. It is even more painful and heartbreaking because nothing that has been told is new to me. Everything is familiar.' It is clear from this statement of Swara that she has targeted Bollywood somewhere.
Hema committee's 296 page report, serious revelations by heroines
It is known that on August 19, Justice Hema Committee released its 296-page report, in which many actresses made revelations about sexual harassment and violence against them. This also included revelations of witnesses, which were very shocking. However, the name of any actor was not disclosed in this report. But after the revelations of the Hema Committee report, a tainted face of the Malayalam film industry has come to the fore, which has created a sensation across the country.