After creating a new history of highest earnings in the second weekend, Shraddha Kapoor's 'Stree 2' has now made tremendous earnings on the second Monday as well. This film, which was released on the occasion of Independence Day, has entered the 400 crore club in the country on the 12th day on the occasion of Janmashtami. While worldwide it has earned more than 570 crores. This horror-comedy, directed by Amar Kaushik, is on the threshold of the 600 crore club on one hand, and on the other hand, it is also going to be included in the list of the top-10 highest-grossing films of the country. Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkumar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana and Abhishek Banerjee starrer 'Stree 2' is now targeting Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar's '2.0'. '2.0' is at number 10 in the top-10 list of highest lifetime earning films in the country, which had a net collection of Rs 407.00 crore in 2018. On Tuesday, 'Stree 2' will easily beat this film. While on the 9th spot is Prabhas' 'Bahubali: The Beginning' with earnings of 421 crores.
'Stree 2' box office collection day 12
According to the report of sacnilk, on the occasion of Janmashtami on Monday, 'Stree 2' has made a net collection of Rs 17.00 crore in the country. Thus, in 12 days, the film has earned a total of Rs 401.55 crore in the country. On Monday, due to the festival, people were busy in their homes and neighborhoods, despite this, 36% seats were filled in the afternoon and evening shows in the theaters.
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'Stree 2' earned 703% more than its budget
This sequel of 'Stree' released in 2018 has proved to be a milestone. It has been earning record-breaking money since its opening day. The budget of the film is Rs 50 crore. It recovered its budget by earning Rs 51.80 crore on the opening day itself. In fact, in 12 days, 'Stree 2' has earned 703% more than its budget at the Indian box office alone.
Worldwide collection of 'Stree 2' on 12th day
'Stree 2' is also a blockbuster in terms of worldwide collection. It has earned around Rs 570 crore worldwide in 12 days. Interestingly, it has also reached close to earning Rs 100 crore in foreign countries. It has earned Rs 94 crore outside the country in 12 days.
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Kangana's 'Emergency' will be released on September 6
There is a tsunami of 'Stree 2' in the theatres right now! The best thing for the film is that it is earning a lot even in the weekdays. The next big release at the box office is Kangana Ranaut's 'Emergency' on 6 September. In such a situation, 'Stree 2' still has a bumper chance to earn freely for 10 days.