Special goods are being sent from India to Russia…what is America afraid of, it made this demand

New Delhi: America fears that certain types of goods are going from India to Russia, which can be used in war. These goods are so special that new technology can be made from them. America wants India not to sell these goods to Russia, because this can make Russia powerful. America is concerned about the export of dual-use goods from India to Russia. This concern is because America is planning to share high-tech products with India under Critical and Emerging Technology (ICET). It fears that Russia can acquire some of these goods or technology through exports from India.

What allegations were made in the media report?

The issue has been part of recent interactions between India and the US, including reports that Russia has imported some dual-use items from India. A recent media report alleged that Russia had used some secret channels to import some sensitive items from India, but the type or make of the items could not be confirmed in the report.India has an impeccable record
On the other hand, India has said that such fears are baseless as India has an impeccable record of handling sensitive products from various countries in the defense sector. It has taken such goods from many countries and has never cheated anyone. India also says that it wants to have good relations with both Russia and America.

India and America together on this plan
America and India are planning to work together on many new technologies. America wants these new technologies to go only to its friends. They are afraid that if these goods go from India to Russia, then Russia will also come to know about these new technologies. America says that it trusts India, but still it wants to talk to India on this matter. America wants India to be cautious in this matter.

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