Shahrukh Khan is called the King of Bollywood. He made a splash at the wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant and did something that made his videos go viral everywhere. The actor, famous for his presence, touched the feet of Bollywood veterans Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan and took their blessings, which was well received by fans and everyone is praising him for his deep respect for both of them. This wedding was a star-studded affair. Shahrukh Khan not only paid respect to the Bachchan family, but also talked to South superstar Rajinikanth and his wife with folded hands and showed his humility and reverence with great love. These conversations were some of the moments that won the hearts of the people present and fans. Shahrukh's fans sitting far and wide in the country and the world also lost their hearts on this video
Shahrukh Khan touched the feet of Amitabh and Jaya
Many videos of Shah Rukh Khan went viral from this event, which increased the buzz of the wedding. His arrival with Nita and Mukesh Ambani in Anant's baraat also became a special moment in itself. Another memorable moment was his dance with Salman Khan on the famous track 'Bhangra Paale', which thrilled the fans even more.
Deepika Padukone arrived dressed like this in the 7th month of pregnancy, her Indian cultural avatar stole the hearts of fans
These guests came to Ambani's wedding
Shah Rukh Khan arrived at the wedding with his wife Gauri Khan, looking like a style icon in an olive green Indo-Western outfit with aviators and a stylish neckpiece. The event was attended by many high-profile guests, including international stars like Kim Kardashian, John Cena, Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra. Bollywood's best actors like Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan were also present, making it a glamorous event. Shah Rukh Khan was the most talked about guest at the wedding.