A bench of Chief Justice DY Chandrachud, Justice JB Pardiwala and Justice Manoj Mishra heard the matter and fixed Thursday for the next hearing. Recently, the Centre and the National Testing Agency (NTA), which conducts the NEET exam, told the Supreme Court that cancelling the exam would be impractical and lakhs of honest candidates cannot be ignored without any evidence of large-scale privacy violations.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court also asked many questions to NTA and the Central Government regarding the NEET paper leak. Let's take a look at the 12 questions that the Supreme Court raised regarding the NEET paper leak.
- When did the NEET paper leak?
- What was the medium of paper leak? How did it spread?
- Has the entire examination been affected?
- What was the gap between the exam time and the time of paper leak?
- Is it possible to identify wrongdoers so that retrials can be conducted only for them?
- How many students have been identified so far as beneficiaries of the paper leak?
- What steps did ATA take to find out in which cities and centres the NEET paper was leaked?
- When were the question papers sent to the locker?
- When were the papers taken out of the locker? What was the time of the exam?
- When and how were the documents sent abroad?
- Who had these documents? When did NTA send these documents to banks in cities? Which was the printing press and how were they delivered?
- After printing the paper, how does the printing press send it to NTA? How many days does it take?
The Supreme Court said that if we come to the conclusion that the time gap between the leak and the actual exam is limited, then it may be against re-conducting the NEET exam. In its hearing on Monday, the Supreme Court admitted that the paper has been leaked, the court will soon give its verdict on this matter and the final decision on the issue of re-conducting the paper may be taken on the next date i.e. Thursday.
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