Rotten eggs are being sold indiscriminately in the market, they will fill the body with deadly poison, FSSAI told how to identify them in 2 seconds

Ananya Shroff
5 Min Read
navbharat times

Eggs are a nutritious food that is beneficial for people of all ages. They are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals that are essential for keeping the body healthy. Eggs are an excellent source of protein which is essential for building muscles. Eggs contain a nutrient called choline which sharpens the brain. The omega-3 fatty acids present in eggs keep the heart healthy.

Eggs contain vitamin D and calcium which strengthen bones, it contains antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin which keep the eyes healthy. Eggs also contain vitamins A and E which boost immunity. Eggs contain protein and biotin which helps in keeping hair and skin healthy, eggs are also a healthy option for diabetics.

You can get all these benefits of eating eggs only if you eat fresh eggs. Eating rotten eggs can cause many health problems, because harmful bacteria and toxins are formed in them during rotting. Yes, rotten and old eggs are being sold indiscriminately in the market, eating which can cause food poisoning. In this article we will know how you can identify rotten and old eggs.

food poisoning

CDC According to the , one of the most common and serious risks of eating rotten eggs is salmonella infection. Salmonella bacteria can grow in eggs that are no longer safe to eat or that have been stored incorrectly. This can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, stomach cramps, vomiting and headache. Rotten eggs may also contain other bacteria, such as E. coli and Staphylococcus, which can cause food poisoning-like symptoms.

May cause serious stomach conditions

May cause serious stomach conditions

Eating a rotten egg can cause nausea and vomiting as the body tries to expel the harmful substance. The toxins and bacteria present in bad eggs can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, causing considerable discomfort and cramping.



Vomiting and diarrhea are common when you get food poisoning from eating rotten eggs. This can lead to dehydration. This can be especially dangerous for young children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems.

Other disadvantages of eating rotten eggs

Other disadvantages of eating rotten eggs

Eating such eggs can also put you at risk of fever, fatigue, weakness and some serious health problems like always feeling weak, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and arthritis.

Know the easy way to identify rotten eggs through FSSAI test

Know the easy way to identify rotten eggs through FSSAI test
  • FSSAI According to the method, take water in a deep vessel and put two-three eggs in it.
  • If your eggs float on water, it means they are old and rotten inside
  • If the eggs sink completely in the pot of water and sink to the bottom, it means they are fine
  • If you break them and look at them, you will find that they will look a little strange, like their color will be different and they might also smell of rotting.

Eggs can go bad in summer

Eggs can go bad in summer

The summer season is continuing and in this season food items get spoiled very quickly. Because the structure of the egg is such that you cannot know that the egg has become bad and rotten from inside. Therefore, whenever you buy eggs in the summer, do this test once before eating or boiling them.

keep this in mind

keep this in mind

If the egg floats on water during the test but you don't smell it when you break it and there is no change in its texture or colour, it means the egg is fresh and you can use it easily.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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