Ram Charan and Upasana Konidela's daughter Klin Kara has turned one year old and on this occasion the couple has shared cute pictures and a very cute video of her. The video shows the moment when Ram Charan took Ladli in his arms after she was born in the hospital. At that time Ram Charan became very emotional. Upasana and Ram Charan got the happiness of becoming parents after 11 years and their happiness was on the seventh sky. Upasana Konidela has shared a cute video on her Instagram account on daughter Klin Kara Konidela turning one month old. Along with this, she wrote, 'Happy first birthday my dear Klin Kara Konidela. We are complete because of you. Thank you for bringing so much happiness to our lives. I have watched this video millions of times.'
Ram Charan and Upasana share a post with daughter Klein Kara on their 12th wedding anniversary, fans shower love
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When Ram Charan held his daughter for the first time after her birth
In the shared video, Upasana and Ram Charan are seen talking about their journey and feeling from their marriage to becoming parents for the first time. The video also shows the moment when Upasana was about to deliver. She was being taken to the operation theatre and all the family members were eagerly praying for the baby to be born and for everything to go well. Apart from Ram Charan's parents, Upasana's parents and other relatives were also present at the hospital.
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Upasana calls Ram Charan the best father
Fans are showering love on this video and blessing the little Klin Kara. Ram Charan and Upasana got married on June 14, 2012 and became parents after 11 years. Recently, the two celebrated their wedding anniversary. Then Upasana praised Ram Charan in a post on social media and called him the best father. Upasana also told how husband Ram Charan helped her in the postpartum phase.