Rajkumar Rao shared a photo of himself on Instagram on Tuesday. In this photo, he is seen wearing a wig and girls' clothes. You will be fooled for a moment after seeing Rajkumar wearing a shimmery red top and heels with a mini skirt. In the second photo, he is posing in the same getup with director Amar Kaushik.
Rajkumar Rao's most favourite and funniest scene
Sharing the photo, 39-year-old Rajkumar Rao wrote in the caption, 'My favorite and funniest scene from the film 'Stree 2', which did not come in the final cut. Do you guys want to see this scene in the film? You all tell me.' Along with this, he has also tagged Amar Kaushik in the post. As soon as Rajkumar Rao shared this photo, his fans got excited and there was a flood of comments.
Fans are demanding to show the scene
Rajkummar Rao's 'Stree 2' co-star Shraddha Kapoor wrote, 'Yes!!! Vicky please put it doo doo lo lo lo lo lo lo.' Actor Vijay Verma wrote, 'Hahaha, I would pay money to see this.' Filmmaker Guneet Monga writes, 'Yes, I would pay money to see this.' Bhumi Rajgor commented, 'When I saw it being shot live, this was my favorite scene too. Heel breaking and wig fight.' Fans are writing that they want to see this scene. This must be there in the OTT version.
Amazing collection of 'Stree 2'
Talking about Stree 2, it is a sequel to the film released in 2018 with the same name. The film also stars Abhishek Banerjee, Pankaj Tripathi and Aparshakti Khurana. It was released on the occasion of Independence Day celebrations and on the 13th day, it has collected a net of around Rs 415 crore across the country.
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