'PoK got away from us because of someone's weakness', Foreign Minister Jaishankar took a dig at Pandit Nehru and Congress.

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
4 Min Read
'PoK got away from us because of someone's weakness', Foreign Minister Jaishankar took a dig at Pandit Nehru and Congress.

New Delhi: India has been calling Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) a part of its country since the beginning. Many times veteran leaders have also challenged Pakistan and said that PoK was, is and will remain a part of India. Meanwhile, when External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar was asked a question regarding POK in an event, while replying he targeted Congress and the country's first Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. In fact, in a program a question was asked to the Foreign Minister that if India crosses the Lakshman Rekha and merges Pokhran into the Union of India, what will be China's reaction on this? On this, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that I do not believe that there is such a thing as Lakshman Rekha, I think that PoK is a part of India, it has gone away from us temporarily due to someone's weakness or mistake.

We are all aware of China's actions

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that we all know about China's past actions and its dealings with Pakistan. We have repeatedly told them that neither Pakistan nor China can claim this land. If there is any claimant to this land, it is India.
Actually, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) passes through Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan.

PoK will join back into India

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Thursday said Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) is an inalienable part of India, which will eventually be integrated back into India. Responding to the ongoing unrest and increasing violence in PoK, he said that the people of PoK have been living in Jammu and Kashmir for the last few years. -Are being affected by the large scale development taking place in Kashmir. In his address at the 'Vishvabandhu Bharat' program organized in Nashik, Maharashtra, External Affairs Minister Jaishankar said that people in PoK are seeing positive changes taking place across the Line of Control. And are influenced by it. They are asking themselves why we are suffering. Why are we being treated unfairly? It is noteworthy that there is an atmosphere of anarchy in Muzaffarabad of PoK for many days. People are protesting against rising inflation and increase in electricity rates. They are having a clash with the police. The Foreign Minister said that PoK is India and I have no doubt that one day it will come back to India.

Pakistan is in a dilapidated condition

Due to India's continuous caliphate, today Pakistan has reached an economically dilapidated condition. We will wait to see if there will be any change in Pakistan's policies. It is noteworthy that earlier this week, in a rally in Palghar, Mumbai, Union Home Minister Amit Shah had also said that PoK was, is and will remain an integral part of India.

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