The worrying thing is that to earn more profit, traders are adulterating food items or making them fake, which is clearly a violation of the rules of FSSAI, the organization that monitors the quality of food items. Everything that reaches you is full of deadly chemicals.
The bread eaten for breakfast is already considered bad for health because it is made of refined flour. To attract attention, companies are trying to promote brown bread as healthy and are claiming that it is very good for health. But do you know that the brown bread you are eating is actually more dangerous than white bread?
Brown bread is more dangerous than white bread
India's famous dietician Richa Gangani has shared a video and told that brown bread is not healthy but it is more dangerous and unhealthy than white bread. In the video, you can clearly see how the brown bread which is sold to you as healthy is made.
The sugar content is high
Richa said that brown bread can have more sugar than white bread. According to the USDA, a slice of regular brown bread contains 3 grams of sugar, while a slice of white bread contains only 1.64 grams of sugar.
The truth about brown bread which is said to be healthy
High calorie intake
If you are losing weight and your trainer has advised you to eat brown bread or everyone says that brown bread is healthy, then you are probably unaware that brown bread is actually the most unhealthy. This is because brown bread can also be very high in calories. A loaf of bread can contain about 110 calories while white bread contains only 77 calories.
Brown bread is a mixture of refined flour and chemicals
The brown bread that you are being fed as healthy is actually made of wheat flour and whole grain flour. Ingredients like caramel are added to give it color. A report published on Newsy (Reference), an element that can lead to fatal health conditions such as cancer, low blood pressure, and low white blood cell count.
Testing was done on 38 types of bread from different companies
If you love your health then eat these things instead of bread
Richa said that if you love your health then you should avoid white and brown bread. Instead of these, you should eat home-made wheat or ragi roti, which will benefit you in every way.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.
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