Monday, January 13th, 2025

Pigeons are spreading serious lung diseases, if you want to avoid them then keep pigeons away from the balcony in this way

Very few people like pigeons. When they come to the balcony, they spread dirt. But have you ever thought that they can also spread disease? Actually, symptoms of a rare lung disease called hypersensitivity pneumonitis have been found in a boy from Delhi. It is also called a type of pneumonia, which is quite fatal.

Case studies have revealed that this problem occurs due to prolonged exposure to pigeon droppings and feathers. Everyone needs to be cautious to avoid this deadly disease. In such a situation, we are telling you some measures with the help of which you can keep pigeons away from your balcony.

black and red pepper

The easiest way to keep pigeons away from the balcony is to spray black and red pepper. You can mix both the chili powders separately in water and spray. If you want, you can also make a spray by mixing black and red chili powder. With these methods, pigeons will not come to your balcony.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

If you want to drive away pigeons from your balcony, vinegar will be very useful for you. For this, make a solution by mixing 2 teaspoons of vinegar and baking soda in a vessel. Now fill it in a spray bottle and spray it on the balcony. The pigeons will run away from its smell and will not come back again.

Wine and Cinnamon

Wine and Cinnamon

When the terror of pigeons increases, they start dirtying the windows as well as the balcony. To get rid of them, you can also use wine and cinnamon. For this remedy, mix water, wine and cinnamon powder in a vessel and stir it. And spray it at the beginning of the day. Spray more in those places where there are more pigeons, because the pigeons will not stop due to the strong smell.

Gum or honey

Gum or honey

Pigeons who spread dirt on the balcony and window never like to sit on sticky places. In such a situation, glue can be useful in keeping them away from the house. You can spread glue at various places in the balcony or you can also use honey instead. By using these methods, pigeons will not be seen in your balcony.

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