Something similar happened on the wedding day of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. Reaching the red carpet was an afterthought. Earlier, as soon as the pictures of Genelia's wedding guest look surfaced on social media, everyone started praising her. Every single picture of this actress was such in which she looked like a strong Maharashtrian queen.
To be honest, if we compare her wedding look with that of Nita Ambani, who is known for her strong image, this time Genelia's royal look was clearly visible. (All photos: Instagram@abujanisandeepkhosla, geneliad)
Nita made an entry wearing a Ghagra-Choli and a diamond studded necklace
Nita Ambani chose a Ghagra-Choli designed by Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla for her son's wedding. With this Rangghat traditional outfit, she wore a diamond necklace, bracelets and danglers. She entered with a completely royal look carrying Ganesh Ji and Swastika in her hands.
Genelia wore a special hand-woven sari
While most of the guests at Anant's wedding came wearing worked clothes, Genelia, on the other hand, chose a saree without any glitter.
Her cream coloured outfit was handwoven. Another special thing about it was that it was a vegan recycled Himroo saree.
What is the Himroo Sarees?
This saree is made by weaving silk and cotton threads together. Zari work is done to make it even more beautiful.
Himroo is a replica of Kumkhwab which was woven with gold and silver threads in the ancient times and was meant for the royal families.
The jewellery was also very nice, but the nose ring stole my heart
The actress' jewellery made this queenly look even more royal. The kundan and polki necklace had a unique shape. Matching earrings and matching bracelets were also worn with the statement neckpiece. Genelia also wore bangles in her hands.
At the same time, her traditional Nath (nose ring) along with traditional Maharashtrian Chandra Bindi on her face and Kajraari eyes looked very beautiful.
Genelia-Ritesh's cute couple seen at Anant's wedding
One event, two powerful women and a royal clash between the two
When it came to the event and the royal style of two powerful women, it was really difficult to choose one as both Neeta and Genelia's avatars were absolutely impeccable.
But it must be admitted that with her sharp looks and beautiful poses, Genelia slightly overshadowed Neeta.
Also see: Anant comes out with drums to make Radhika his bride
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