Nitish Bharadwaj made a prediction about 'Kalki 2898 A.D.'
About this film which is a mix of science fiction and mythology, Nitish Bhardwaj said that Naag Ashwatthama has very well depicted the characters of Mahabharata and the future birth of Kalki. The actor further said that Bollywood directors should learn something from the South. In an interview to 'News 18', Nitish Bhardwaj also talked about Prabhas' Bhairava, who is shown as Karna.
What will happen in the sequel of 'Kalki 2898 AD'?
Nitish Bharadwaj said, 'Prabhas aka Karna will die. Ashwatthama and Krishna will show him the path to salvation. But Karna will have to take refuge with Yaskin in the campus. And because of this he will die.' After this, when he was asked if he wants to say something to Nag Ashwin? He said, 'Ashwin does not need to hide Krishna's face in the sequel. I am available (laughs).'
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