Neither you nor your car will drown in Delhi's rain, if you keep these 5 things in mind

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
4 Min Read

As soon as monsoon arrives, Delhi NCR gets relief from the heat, but it becomes a cause of trouble for those who go out of the house and those who drive four-wheelers. During this time, so much water accumulates in every area of ​​Delhi that it becomes difficult for people to walk and if you go by car, there is a fear of the car getting stalled. If you are forced to go out of the house during the monsoon months or are going out for a trip, then there are some things that you must keep in mind. Who knows, when something bad may happen?

Get your vehicle checked before monsoon

Before going out in the monsoon, take the vehicle to a good mechanic and get it checked. Especially during the monsoon, when water accumulates on the roads, driving becomes very difficult. Also, it is very important to get this check done to drive without any problem even in places with heavy traffic.

Take care of the weather in advance

If you are going out for a trip or some work, then first know the weather of that place. Especially when you are going to a place where there is a lot of rain or storm. The good thing is that nowadays complete information about the weather is easily available. You can check the weather app or watch the local news. The advantage of this will be that you can plan your trip accordingly.

Use the brakes correctly

Use the brakes correctly

Rainy season is the most troublesome for the car's brakes. Often water enters them, which further reduces the braking power. Therefore, make sure to check whether the brake oil level is correct or not and whether the handbrake is working properly or not. Remember, while passing through waterlogged areas, apply the brake two to four times, this warms up the brake discs and helps in drying the brakes.

Keep boots and a raincoat with you

Keep boots and a raincoat with you

If you want to enjoy the rain and don't want to get wet, then keep the right shoes and raincoat with you. Wet clothes and shoes not only cause discomfort but also increase the risk of fungal infection and cold. Therefore, it would be better to keep good waterproof shoes and raincoat with you.

Look at the car in front

Look at the car in front

The easiest way to keep your vehicle safe during the rainy season is to follow the vehicle in front of you and follow it. If it seems that the vehicle in front of you is unable to cross a ditch, do not take the risk of going ahead. If there is a way from the side, then go from the side, otherwise wait for a while, because it is difficult to move the vehicle from one place to another in the traffic. It would be better if you leave home early, this will not only help you avoid traffic but you will also be able to go safely and through another route.

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