Look at this unique name for your son, we have chosen every name

Nowadays, there is no longer a trend of giving the same name to children like in the olden times. Now parents want to find a unique name for their child. Today, in this article, we are going to tell you one such unique way. If you are also looking for a name for your son, then read this article completely.

The names we are telling here start with 'AGN'. All the names mentioned in this list are also given along with their meanings. This will make it easier for you to choose the name of your choice. So let's move ahead and know about the names starting with 'AGN' for boys.

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Agniva, Agni and Agnya

Agniva means bright like light, Agni means fire and Agnija means born from fire. These three names are very similar to each other. You can choose any name of your choice.

Agnik, Agniva and Agni

Agnik means one who is born from fire, Agniva means the flame of fire and Agneya is one who is the son of Agni himself. You can also consider these names related to Agni Dev. Agni is very holy, so the names related to it are also considered holy.

Fire lamp, fire feeling and fire lamp

Fire lamp, fire feeling and fire lamp

This list also includes names like Agnideep, Agnibhav and Agnideepak for your baby. Agnideep means burning. Agnibhav means born in fire and Agnideepak means increasing appetite or increasing the fire of hunger. You can discuss these three names with your family.

Agnitra, Agnirajan and Agnivesha

Agnitra, Agnirajan and Agnivesha

The name Agnitra represents Vayu which is considered to be the friend of Agni. The name Agnirajan means glorified by Agni. Agnivesh means bright like fire, brilliant like fire and it is a name derived from Agni. You will definitely like one of these three names.

Agniveerya, Fierce and Agneet names

Agniveerya, Fierce and Agneet names

In this list of boy names, you will also find names like Agniveerya, Agnipurna and Agnit. Of these, Agniveerya means the power of fire. Agnipurna is a Hindu name and Agnit means incalculable, numerous, countless, infinite. Apart from this, there are also names like Agnidhra and Agnivamin.

Agnima, Agnikumar and Agnishree

Agnima, Agnikumar and Agnishree

Agnima means leader. Giving this name can also inculcate leadership qualities in your son as it is said that this name has a profound impact on the child's nature. Agnikumar means son of Agni. Agnishree means one with the glow of fire.

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