Know the difference between panic attack and anxiety attack, a mistake in understanding can prove costly

Anxiety attacks and panic attacks have become a common problem in today's time. People often do not understand the difference between them, due to which they are not able to get the right treatment. If someone remains under constant stress for a very long time, it can take the form of an anxiety attack and panic attacks occur due to being affected by a situation.

It is very important to identify and understand these so that proper treatment and help can be provided. If stress is not treated in time, it can also cause heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Let us know what stress, anxiety attack and panic attack are and what is the difference between them.

anxiety attacks

Stress is a common reaction that can occur due to any reason and can last for a long time. Nowadays, it can be caused by work pressure, family problems, financial problems, sudden changes in life, etc. An anxiety attack occurs when a person worries excessively about an event or situation. The main symptoms of an anxiety attack are as follows:

  • irritability and anger

  • Fatigue and lack of sleep

  • difficulty concentrating

  • muscle tension and pain

  • Headaches and stomach problems

What is mental illness?

panic attacks

When a panic attack occurs, the patient starts panicking due to fear. This is a kind of mental disorder. Whereas, anxiety attack occurs due to some already ongoing stress. The main symptoms of panic attack are as follows:

  • sudden panic attacks
  • Lack of interest in work
  • excessive sweating
  • vibration in the body
  • feeling short of breath,
  • Nausea and dry throat

Difference between panic attack and anxiety attack

Difference between panic attack and anxiety attack

If you want to understand the difference between panic attack and anxiety attack, then you should pay attention to these things, such as anxiety attack always occurs due to stress and there is no specific reason for panic attack. Apart from this, panic attack occurs for some time, but anxiety attack occurs for a long time.

What to do when you have anxiety and panic attacks?

What to do when you have anxiety and panic attacks?

If you have anxiety and panic attacks, you should first consult a doctor. Tell them about your problem and if there is any stress, then tell the reason for it. Also follow the lifestyle changes suggested by them. Meditation is a very good way to avoid panic attacks and anxiety attacks.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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