Kapil Sibal said that the Supreme Court has asked IIT Delhi to investigate the matter to find out how these issues can be dealt with. The court has sought evidence of the extent to which the paper was leaked. Sibal said that the question is why papers are leaked in every examination under this government.
Kapil Sibal said who is involved in this and for whose benefit the paper is being leaked. Who are the people who got the job without qualification. NTA needs to be changed completely. He said that recently we have seen an IAS officer coming into service on the basis of a wrong caste certificate.
The Rajya Sabha MP said that you have to deal with the disease. The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the petitions seeking cancellation and re-conduct of this controversial examination. Along with this, the court said that there is no material on record that systematically affects its credibility and shows other irregularities. This is an interim decision of the court and the detailed decision will be pronounced later.
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