If you scold your child in front of these people then be careful or else you will not even get a chance to repent

Raising children is a challenging task in which sometimes you are happy and sometimes angry and you get to learn a lot. Along with facing many challenges, you also have to keep the children disciplined. Parents often make a mistake that they scold their child in front of others and they do not even realize it. Doing this by the parents can have a deep impact on the mental health of the child.

In this article, we are telling you about some reasons which will shed light on the reason for not scolding children in front of others. So let's move ahead and know what effect does scolding parents' children in front of others have on the mental health of the child.

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has an effect on self-esteem

Children are in the process of developing their self-identity, and a significant part of this development is linked to how they see themselves in the eyes of others. When a child is scolded in front of outsiders, it can lead to feelings of embarrassment and humiliation, which directly undermines their self-esteem.

experiencing criticism or insults

According to a study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, children who experience public criticism or humiliation are more likely to have low self-esteem and this can have a negative impact on their self-image over time. This drop in self-esteem can affect their confidence and ability to interact socially.

If you have a child, then adopt these parenting methods

fear and anxiety fill you

fear and anxiety fill you

Scolding a child in front of others can cause fear and anxiety, as the child may associate his or her parents with unpredictability and public humiliation. According to research by the “American Psychological Association,” repeated exposure to such situations causes a persistent feeling of anxiety in the child, making him or her overly cautious, afraid of making mistakes and anxious about social life. This fear can have long-term effects, making it difficult for the child to feel safe and confident in a variety of social situations.

Trust can be broken

Trust can be broken

Trust is the foundation of any relationship. When parents scold their children in front of others, this can break trust. Children rely on their parents for protection and support, and may feel betrayed when scolded in public.

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Impact on social development

Impact on social development

A child's ability to develop healthy social relationships depends a lot on how he is treated in front of others. Being scolded in public can lead to social isolation of the child, where he becomes hesitant to interact with his peers for fear of being humiliated.

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