If someone in your house gets a heart attack, do these things, AHA claims- the chances of survival will increase 3 times

Ananya Shroff
3 Min Read
If someone in your house gets a heart attack, do these things, AHA claims- the chances of survival will increase 3 times

How to give hands-only CPR to an adult

Sit beside the patient and kneel on one side of his chest.

Now place your hand on the patient's chest.

Place the palm of the other hand directly on the first hand. During this, your fingers should be away from the chest.

Now place your palm in the center of your chest and press it for at least two inches.

Do this 100-120 times per minute.

After compressions, remove your weight from the patient's chest and allow his or her chest to rise.

Photo Credit: Freepik

How to give CPR to children?

To give CPR to children over one year old, place your hands in the center of their chest.

If you get tired during the compressions, you can use both hands instead of one.

Photo Credit: Freepik

How to give CPR to a baby?

How to give CPR to a baby?

Small children have less bone strength, so special care has to be taken while applying pressure. If you have to give CPR to a child less than a year old, then keep in mind that you apply pressure on the chest with only 2 or 3 fingers. You have to do this only 100-120 times in a minute.

Photo Credit: Freepik

Keep these things in mind during CPR

Keep these things in mind during CPR

Every minute of delay in CPR will reduce the patient's chance of survival by 10 percent.

A person does not need any certification to give CPR to a patient.

Don't waste time checking for a pulse. If the patient is not breathing and not responding, start CPR immediately.

If the attack is on a young person or child, hands-only CPR is sufficient. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is not necessary.

While giving CPR, do not think about the pain the patient may experience.

Any complications that result from CPR are better than not having CPR at all.

Photo Credit: Freepik

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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