New Delhi: SP MP Jaya Bachchan also expressed grief in Rajya Sabha over the Delhi coaching incident, but meanwhile she got angry over one thing. Actually, Deputy Chairman Harivansh called Jaya's name as Mrs. Jaya Amitabh Bachchan to join the discussion. Expressing displeasure over this, Jaya Bachchan said that it would have been enough if he had just said Jaya Bachchan. Jaya further said that it seems that the woman has no achievements of her own.If Jaya Bachchan had said it, it would have been enough
In the upper house Rajya Sabha, Deputy Chairman Harivansh called out Jaya's name to join the discussion and said Mrs. Jaya Amitabh Bachchan. The Rajya Sabha MP objected to this and said that it would have been enough if he had just said Jaya Bachchan. To this, the Chairman replied that your full name is written here. Jaya retorted that according to this new trend, women will be known by their husband's name, as if they have no achievements of their own. Then Harivansh said that you have many achievements.
In the upper house Rajya Sabha, Deputy Chairman Harivansh called out Jaya's name to join the discussion and said Mrs. Jaya Amitabh Bachchan. The Rajya Sabha MP objected to this and said that it would have been enough if he had just said Jaya Bachchan. To this, the Chairman replied that your full name is written here. Jaya retorted that according to this new trend, women will be known by their husband's name, as if they have no achievements of their own. Then Harivansh said that you have many achievements.
Expressed grief over Delhi coaching accident
Expressing grief over the Delhi coaching incident, MP Jaya Bachchan said that no one said anything about the families of the children. What they must have gone through! Three small children died. She said that it is very disturbing that nothing is being said about the pain of the victim families. Jaya further said that I am an artist, I understand body language and facial expressions. Everyone is doing their own politics. There should be no politics on this issue.
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