These days, words like IVF i.e. in vitro fertilization and egg freezing are becoming quite popular among common people as well as celebrities. While many couples are able to fulfill their dream of becoming parents with the help of IVF, many couples have got their eggs frozen so that they can become parents as per their wish in future. So let us know the unheard aspects related to IVF and egg freezing from IVF expert Dr. Gauri Agarwal. Here we will also understand the concept of designer baby in detail and know how true it is.
Does IVF always result in twins?
Does IVF always result in twins? ” title=”Does IVF always result in twins? ” placeholder=” Times.jpg?width=540&height=304&resizemode=75″ data-collineimage=”true” loading=”lazy”/>
Dr. Gauri says, it is not necessary that every IVF cycle will result in twins. The chances of having twins through IVF are only 20 to 30 percent, while in a natural pregnancy this chance is 6 percent. Know that if there is a history of twins in the family, then twins can happen in a natural pregnancy as well. What I mean to say is that if you see twins anywhere, it does not mean that they were born through IVF.
How will we get a child like Shahrukh and Katrina?
According to Dr. Gauri, some people want a 'designer baby'. They want their child to have a special gene. He should be beautiful. His hair should be curly. His eyes should be blue. Some people even say give us a child like Shahrukh Khan, Sachin Tendulkar or Katrina Kaif. Who will explain to them that for this, Shahrukh, Sachin's sperm and Katrina's egg will be needed, which is not possible.
What's the connection between 'egg freezing' and IVF?
According to Dr. Gauri Agarwal, 'egg freezing' may be a common practice nowadays. But women who are actually working, or want to get married a little later, do not know much about it, if they know at all, then very little. Egg freezing is known in the language of science as oocyte cryopreservation. This is a process in which eggs are taken out from women at the age of pregnancy, and it is frozen or kept safe for the future. In the future, they can become mothers with the help of this.
Who should undergo egg freezing?
Those who want to get married late, or are married but want to delay having children, should get their eggs frozen in time. It is important to understand that with time you are not only increasing your career age, but your biological age is also increasing. At least if you want to have a child after 30 years, then you should get your eggs frozen before that. This is a very easy and useful process.
What is egg freezing, at what age should it be done?
In egg freezing, eggs are removed from the woman's ovaries and stored and in the future when the woman wants to become a mother, she is made pregnant with this egg using IVF technology. Egg freezing increases the chances of having a biological child at an older age, but it is not a guarantee of a successful pregnancy. How successful the pregnancy will be depends on many factors, such as the age of the woman at the time of freezing, the quality of the eggs and how the entire process of egg freezing was done etc.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.
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