Geneva: Baloch Voice Association to organise event on human rights violations in Balochistan

Ronit Kawale
Ronit Kawale - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

The Baloch Voice Association and the Baloch People’s Congress have announced to hold an important event titled “Enforced disappearances in South Asia; special focus on Balochistan” during the 56th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The event will be held on July 5 and will be moderated by Munir Mengal, President of Baloch Voice Association.

The event will feature a distinguished panel of key speakers, including Francesca Marino, an Italian journalist renowned for her work on South Asian issues, Claudia Weidlich, German politician and lawyer, and Waja Siddiqui Azad Baloch, General Secretary of the Baloch People's Congress.

Additionally, the event will also receive support from Pashtun and Sindhi political activists, further emphasising regional solidarity on human rights concerns.

Munawar Laghari, Executive Director of Sindhi Foundation, and Fazal ur Rehman Afridi, Executive Director of Khyber Institute in Paris and representative of Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement for Europe, will also present their views in the programme.

The special attraction of this program will be the presence of Professor Naela Qadri Baloch as the special guest speaker.

Professor Baloch is known for his extensive advocacy for human rights of Balochs at international forums.

The event aims to highlight the serious issue of enforced disappearances in South Asia, with a special focus on the ongoing situation in Balochistan.

Furthermore, it aims to amplify the voices of victims and draw global attention to human rights violations taking place in the region.

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