Relatives made shareholders
When information related to Pooja Khedkar was searched, 8 companies were found. These include companies ranging from automobile to sugar and agriculture. Pooja Khedkar's parents or her relatives are shareholders in all these companies. Pooja Khedkar's aunt and uncle are also shareholders of one of these companies. While the company is registered on commercial land in the name of Pooja Khedkar's mother in Pune.
Not just aunts and uncles, but also the names of cousins
Pooja's uncle Mahadev is associated with four Diligence companies. He is also a shareholder in Pooja Automobiles. He told the Indian Express that we were not involved in the functioning of these companies. We were just partners. I do not know much about the business and now these companies have closed down. Pooja's cousin Sanchit Hange's name is also associated with four Diligence companies. When Sanchit's father Tanajirao Hange was talked to about this, he said that Sanchit is a farmer by profession and I do not know much about his involvement in the companies. Let us tell you that Sanchit's mother is the elder sister of Pooja Khedkar's mother.
Pooja had a stake in Diligence Infraprojects
Puja held a 20% stake in Diligence Infraprojects in 2018. Her brother Piyush held a 50% stake in Om Deep Sugar & Agro in 2022. Except Om Deep Sugar & Agro, the other 6 companies of Diligence Group have not filed their annual returns since 2019.
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