Recently, Rajkumar Rao shared an interesting anecdote while remembering his struggling days in Bollywood. There have been many occasions when Rajkumar Rao was dropped from the project for some reason or the other. However, the actor has said that such cases show the failure of those producers, not him. Recently, Rajkumar joined Audible's podcast 'The Longest Interview' and recalled his struggle.
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'For some reason I was removed from the film'
“Everything was going well at one point of time, but then for some reason I was dropped from the film. It was not my failure, it was their failure that they did not handle it properly. Those experiences taught me to always be prepared,” Rajkummar said in a recent interview to 'The Longest Interview'.
Rajkumar Rao said- it feels good to look back
He said that looking back he thinks it was probably for the best, as either the film was never made or the character wasn't impressive enough.
How was his experience working on 'Kai Po Che'?
He said, 'I believe that when the universe is guiding you, everything falls into place.' He also talked about his experience working on 'Kai Po Che'.
'I am very happy to read the three mistakes of my life'
Sharing this interesting anecdote, the actor said, 'I really enjoyed reading Chetan Bhagat's The Three Mistakes of My Life. Earlier, a film had been made on his another book One Night at the Call Center, so I knew that he was a writer whose books were being made into films.'
Enjoyed reading the three mistakes of my life
He said, 'I still remember when I was new to Bombay, I read Three Mistakes of My Life. There are three characters in the book and I was hoping that if ever a film is made, I will get one of those roles. I won't say which role it will be, but I was really keen on it and then Kai Po Che happened. It's unrealistic, but true.'