In the firing case at Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's house, Mumbai Police on Monday filed a chargesheet in a special court against six arrested accused, including jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and three wanted persons. The Crime Branch filed a 1735-page chargesheet in the special MCOCA court. Read the full news in detail. According to the information, an official said that the 1735-page chargesheet includes various investigation documents in three volumes. He said that the evidence includes statements of 46 witnesses and statements of witnesses recorded under section 164 of CrPC before the magistrate. Confessions under MCOCA (Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime) Act, a total of 22 panchnamas and technical evidence are also part of the chargesheet.
Lawrence Bishnoi's brother took responsibility for the attack
It is known that on the morning of 14 April this year, two men on a motorcycle fired four bullets outside Salman Khan's Galaxy Apartment in Bandra, Mumbai. Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi's brother Anmol Bishnoi had allegedly taken responsibility for this attack. It has been claimed about Anmol Bishnoi, the accused wanted in India, that he is living abroad and from there he had described the firing as just a trailer in a Facebook post.
Anmol had written- Next time bullets will not be fired outside the house
Anmol Bishnoi had written on social media, 'Salman Khan, we have just shown you the trailer so that you understand our strength. This is the first and last warning. After this, there will be no firing outside the house.'
Recce of Panvel farm house, arrest
After the firing at Salman's house, some accused had tried to target him by doing recce of his farm house in Panvel, which was exposed by Navi Mumbai Police in time. Many accused were arrested in this case.