Every son must say these 5 things to his father before he dies

The role of a father in life is something that perhaps no one has been able to define or describe in words. Especially in a country like India, where boys are brought up differently, the role of a father in the family is quite complex. Sometimes there is an atmosphere of strictness, sometimes a feeling of friendship.

Whatever the situation, a father always treats his son more strictly than his daughter. There are many reasons behind this, which the son understands only when he reaches that age or becomes a father himself. This is the time when sons understand why their father is like this.

He also starts to see clearly the feelings that his father always keeps hidden in his eyes and heart. And with these suppressed feelings, he leaves this world. Then the son is left with the wish that he had told his father those things which would have made him realize how important he is to him and how successful he has been as a father.

Before this regret reaches you, why don't you tell these 5 things to your father openly.

You are my teacher and friend

You were strict with me, but later I realized that this strictness was necessary to stop me from going on the wrong path and make me a good person. You were preparing a path for me which would be easy for me to walk on. Even if you were angry, no one else could understand what was in my mind without me telling you. You are the guru of my life and also a friend who only wants my best.

Don't blame yourself

I know you feel guilty watching me grow up and still keep some distance from me. But you shouldn't feel like that at all. What's there to feel guilty about?

Since childhood we have had enough food to eat, clothes to wear, education and all our needs were fulfilled. You may not be able to express your feelings in words, but now we clearly understand that it was your love that forced you to do all this for us, sacrificing your own desires.

Be proud of the upbringing you gave us

Be proud of the upbringing you gave us

Today, the way we are moving ahead by organizing our professional and personal life and also have been able to achieve a respectable position in the society, you should be proud of your upbringing.

No matter what your colleagues or relatives say or try to blame you for any of our shortcomings, do not let it affect you. Because you have really given us your best.

5 things to say to a dying father

5 things to say to a dying father

6 things to say to a dying father

6 things to say to a dying father

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