What is Keeda Jhadi or Yarshagumba? It is a kind of wild mushroom. It grows on a special kind of insect i.e. caterpillar after it dies. The name of the insect on whose caterpillar it grows is Hepilus Fabricus.
Is Yarsagumba a powerful thing? Apart from India, this herb is also found in China, Tibet and Nepal. It was first discovered in China and at one time it was given to athletes to give them instant strength.
Powerful tonic for strength
FloraJournal (ReferenceAccording to a report, its health benefits are believed to have been known for about 1500 years and in ancient times, it was taken by kings and nobles as a powerful tonic. There is very little chance of any kind of side effect. Let us know what are the benefits of Keeda Jadi and why is its price so high?
yarshagumba price
Till a few years ago, its price used to be 5-6 lakhs per 10 grams, but as people started getting news about it, its demand started increasing. Now it is said that its price has reached around Rs 20 lakh.
Beneficial for people with insulin resistance
It can be beneficial for people with insulin resistance. Its deterioration increases the risk of diabetes. Apart from this, it also has stress-reducing properties.
Anti-aging benefits
Yarsagumba is widely used for its anti-aging properties. It is considered an excellent tonic to nourish the body and mind and its long-term use strengthens the immune system and improves biological function.
Improve sexual health
This herb is also used to improve sexual health. It is recommended to consume it with a cup of milk to increase sexual potency and desire. Traditional healers and elderly people use it to increase longevity and cure erectile dysfunction.
Helpful in increasing brain power
Its consumption increases brain power and strengthens memory. It is considered an excellent tonic for lung diseases like TB, asthma and bronchitis, strengthening the liver, preventing heart problems, etc.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.
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