Bhojpuri actress Poonam Dubey shared a gym video, fans said- it is important to keep the back strong, people attack from behind!
An attempt to give a new direction to the audience with entertainment
He further said, 'This step of Bhojpuri cinema is an effort to give a new direction to the audience along with entertainment and we are confident that this film will get a lot of love and support from the audience.'
These great actors will be seen in the film
Let us tell you that the director of this film is Praveen Kumar Guduri, who has successfully produced many family and social films. The film stars prominent actors like Richa Dixit, Anshuman Singh, Ritesh Upadhyay, Nisha Singh, Manoj Tiger, Shraddha Naval, Sonia Mishra, Rinku Bharti, Santosh Srivastava and Pushpendra Rai in lead roles. The writer of this film is Indrajit S Kumar, music is given by Sajan Mishra and lyrics are written by Durgesh Bhatt.
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