Do you feel dizzy while exercising? Anaphylaxis can be a sign of allergy, do these 3 things immediately

Ananya Shroff
3 Min Read
navbharat times

Do you go to the gym every day and do you often feel nauseated or dizzy while walking on the treadmill or doing strenuous exercise, or have you ever fainted while exercising?
If this has ever happened to you, do not make the mistake of ignoring it thinking it is normal. Repeated occurrence of all these symptoms can be a sign of a serious disease, such as anaphylaxis allergy.

This is a serious condition. You may not have heard of it, but it is a very serious form of allergy. If this happens, treatment should be sought immediately.

What is anaphylaxis allergy?

Anaphylaxis is a serious type of allergic reaction and is a medical emergency that must be treated immediately. It can occur in a patient due to many reasons. It is important to treat this deadly condition immediately and in time. This allergy is very rare, but once it occurs, it spreads very fast in the body. The entire body can be badly affected in anaphylaxis allergy.

symptoms of anaphylaxis

The symptoms of anaphylaxis can develop rapidly and include:

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Swelling in the throat
  • skin rash
  • Itching
  • Stomach pain, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • fast heartbeat
  • Fainting or dizziness

Factors that increase the risk of allergic anaphylaxis

There may be many factors that increase the risk of anaphylaxis allergy, such as allergy to a food substance, asthma, eczema, previous severe allergy, genetic reasons, allergy to fly stings or any other injection.

Exercising with allergies

Talking about exercise for people suffering from anaphylaxis allergy, he said that to avoid severe symptoms of this type of allergy, affected people should do light exercise. Do not do high intensity exercises at all. Even light exercises should be done only after consulting a doctor.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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