Protein is an essential nutrient for everything from weight loss to good health. Protein has many benefits for the body, such as it controls your cravings, helps in healthy weight loss, gives energy to the body and increases metabolism, etc. But you can get all these benefits only if you consume protein in the right way.
Some people take high protein diet to meet the protein deficiency, while some people who go to the gym also take protein supplements in high protein diet, such as protein powder. But still some people are not able to get the benefits of protein, because they take protein at the wrong time.
Taking high protein diet or protein powder at night can sometimes harm digestion and health. Therefore, it is advisable to take a light and balanced diet at night. Let us know what harm can be caused to health by taking a high protein diet at night.
Heaviness in the stomach
Eating a protein-rich diet at night can be heavy on digestion as it makes the digestive system work harder, which can lead to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
Acidity and gas problem
High protein foods take more time to digest and there is also no physical activity at night, which can cause acidity and gas problems at night.
Sleep is affected
Protein-rich food also requires more energy to digest, which can make it harder to relax and affect sleep. Also, you won't be able to sleep if you feel a heaviness in your stomach.
gaining weight
Consuming a protein-rich diet at night can lead to extra calorie intake, which may increase the chances of weight gain.
Effects on the kidneys
Excessive protein intake can put extra pressure on the kidneys, especially when someone already has kidney problems.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.