If you are talking to the person sitting behind you, you can be fined heavily. Yes, talking to the person sitting behind you while driving is considered a punishable offense. Let us tell you in which state this practice is applicable.
In which state the new rule was implemented
The Kerala Motor Department has issued this new rule to reduce road accidents. This new rule prohibits two-wheeler riders from talking to pillion passengers. The new rule aims to reduce road accidents. According to the department, such conversation distracts the rider, which increases accidents.
Non-compliance will result in consequences
The RTO of Kerala has given instructions to strictly implement this rule. However, it is not yet known how much fine will be imposed for breaking this rule. But if you do not follow it, then you will have to face serious consequences. The report also emphasizes that talking to the passenger distracts the attention and at that time there may be difficulty in taking decisions and there may be a delay in reaction. This can increase accidents.
a terrible accident could happen
Considering all these dangers, the government has imposed a fine on those who break the rule. If someone does not follow this rule, strict action will be taken against him. As we all know, talking to the person sitting behind can be risky, as this often requires the rider to turn his head or correct his position. All these moments can cause the bike to become unstable and lose balance. This can lead to a terrible accident.
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