Do not eat these 4 dry fruits in diabetes, it may increase the risk of sugar and heart disease

What a diabetic patient eats and what he does not, both these things are very important. A good and healthy diet is necessary for sugar patients. But it is also important to avoid some healthy things, like some dry fruits. Dry fruits are considered very beneficial for health and this is also true. But the consumption of some dry fruits can be harmful for diabetic patients.

As diabetes increases, the risk of heart disease and heart attack also increases. Therefore, it would be better to stay away from foods that increase sugar. Diabetes patients should pay special attention to their diet, because proper diet helps in controlling blood sugar. Some dry fruits can be harmful for diabetes patients. Let us know which dry fruits should not be eaten in diabetes.


Raisins are high in glycemic index and carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly. Therefore, diabetic patients are advised not to eat raisins or eat them occasionally in very limited quantities.


Dates also contain high amounts of natural sugar, which can increase blood sugar levels rapidly. Which also affects the heart. Therefore, diabetic patients should avoid it.

Dried figs

Dried figs

Dried figs also contain high amounts of natural sugar, which can increase blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients should consume dried figs in controlled quantities. If your diabetes remains high, then you should not consume it at all.

sorting out

sorting out

Plums also contain high amounts of sugar, which can increase blood sugar levels. It should also be consumed in limited quantities. However, plums are high in fiber, which can help digestion, but can worsen diabetes.

You can consume these dry fruits

You can consume these dry fruits

In diabetes, you can consume nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, pistachios and chia seeds in limited quantities. They contain healthy fats and fiber.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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