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One of the most effective techniques for stress relief in yoga is pranayama or controlled breathing exercises. When we are stressed, our breaths become shallow and irregular. Pranayama helps control breathing while promoting deep and rhythmic breathing. This practice not only calms the mind but also increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body, promoting relaxation.
Yoga postures or asanas are designed to relieve physical tension and improve flexibility, strength and balance. When the body is relaxed, the mind is also relaxed. Some postures are particularly beneficial for stress relief, such as:
Child Pose: This easy forward bend posture promotes relaxation and can help calm the mind.
Antonym: This restorative pose promotes blood flow to the brain and can relieve stress and fatigue.
Corpse posture: This asana helps in completely relaxing the body and mind.
Yoga isn't just about physical postures. It also involves meditation and mindfulness exercises. Techniques such as focused breathing, body scans and mantra chanting can help you develop present-moment awareness and disconnect from the constant stream of thoughts that often contribute to stress and anxiety. One popular meditation technique is yoga nidra, also known as yogic sleep. This is a guided meditation that involves muscle relaxation, visualization and breathing awareness.
Yoga Nidra
According to Himalayan Siddha Akshar, founder of Akshar Yoga Center and yoga guru, Yoga Nidra is a powerful relaxation technique that combines meditation, visualization, and relaxation. During Yoga Nidra, the yoga guru instructs you to experience deep relaxation of the body. This practice can reduce stress levels to a great extent, leading to better sleep.
Healing Walk
Raise your hands up keeping them shoulder-width apart. Now start walking in this position with your arms raised up and your hands can remain in the air for 1-3 minutes. In the beginning this may not be possible as you have to train your arms and shoulder muscles and make them stronger. Gradually increase the time by one minute and reach 1-3 minutes. It takes strength to keep your arms straight for 1-3 minutes.
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Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.