Cancer risk from manicure? Don't make this mistake while polishing nails, cancer can enter your body

Many of you would be women who go to the parlor every six months to get a manicure, in which UV dryer is used to dry the nail polish. But do you know that in the pursuit of shining your nails, you are inviting a big and dangerous disease like cancer! Before you give any answer, let us tell you that during manicure, UV lamp or dryer is used to dry the nail polish, which is not at all safe for the skin.

According to a study conducted by the University of California and the University of Pittsburgh, excessive use of machines used for manicures can damage DNA, which can increase skin cancer. Let's know about nail polish dryers and what can be done to prevent skin cancer.

Gel manicures can cause cancer

Do you know that getting a gel manicure can cause cancer? Actually, artificial UV rays are used to dry nail polish.

This light coming from the dryer can damage our cells and increase the chances of cancer like basal and squamous cell skin cancer. Therefore, it is important that you keep these important things in mind while getting a manicure.

Use gloves

Utah health care According to the study There are many ways to avoid the possibility of skin cancer during manicure. The first of which is that you can use fingerless gloves.

Just like you wrap your hands or wear full sleeves to avoid the sun rays, you can wear fingerless gloves while getting a manicure. These prevent the UV lamp from reaching the skin directly.

See also: How to protect your skin from UV rays

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen

We use sunscreen on our body to protect ourselves from the harmful rays of the sun. Similarly, it is also effective in protecting us from artificial rays. So do not forget to apply sunscreen on your hands before getting a manicure. The American Academy of Dermatology says that the SPF level should be more than 30.

Dry your nail polish naturally

Dry your nail polish naturally

To protect yourself from skin cancer, it is important that you choose to dry UV nail polish naturally instead of using a dryer. Even though it takes more time, this method will also help you avoid skin cancer.

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