Before taking vitamins, know whether they are synthetic or safe or not

Vitamins are an essential nutrient. It is because of this that our body is able to function properly. But our body cannot make more vitamins, so we have to take them from our diet. But vitamins cannot be supplied to the body by depending only on diet.

Especially when the amount of nutrients in food has decreased, people have started taking vitamin supplements. These days synthetic vitamins are in the news. Many people consider them natural vitamins because there is not much difference in their taste and texture, yet they are quite different from natural vitamins.

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What are synthetic vitamins and how are they made?

Synthetic vitamins are dietary supplements that are artificially created in a laboratory. They are usually produced through a chemical process. They are quite different from natural vitamins.

They lack the nutrients, enzymes and minerals found in natural vitamins. National Library of Medicine According to the doctor, natural vitamins are better than synthetic vitamins in terms of nutrition. Therefore, doctors advise to stay away from synthetic vitamins.

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Why are natural vitamins better than synthetic vitamins?

Natural vitamins are derived from fruits, vegetables and natural foods, which provide the body with adequate amounts of vitamins. Natural vitamins are often consumed as part of a balanced diet. While synthetic vitamins are used in foods and beverages and supplements to enhance their nutritional value.

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May cause vitamin deficiency

May cause vitamin deficiency

Both vitamins and minerals are necessary for the body to function properly. Just as vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption, magnesium maintains calcium levels. When you take synthetic vitamins without co-factors, the balance of nutrients is disturbed, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies in the body.

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Essential vitamins for teeth

Difficulty in absorption

Difficulty in absorption

Even though synthetic vitamins look like their natural counterparts, our bodies cannot easily recognize them. They may look natural, but synthetic vitamins are absorbed more slowly than natural vitamins or are not absorbed at all.

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Effects on the kidneys

Effects on the kidneys

Many times the amount of nutrients in supplements available in the market is less than the amount mentioned on the label. Taking them in less or more quantity increases health risks. Harmful additives can cause toxicity. This increases the risk of liver damage and kidney failure.

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This could also be a problem

This could also be a problem

Consuming synthetic vitamins reduces the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body. This not only weakens the immune system but also increases the chances of anemia.

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Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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