Banyan tree can cure high blood sugar, it gives many big benefits

Banyan tree is considered sacred in India. It is also worshipped in many states. According to Ayurveda, this tree is also beneficial for health. It helps in eliminating many physical problems from the root. Its leaves, fruits, stems etc. contain many nutrients.

research gate But existing research shows many Ayurvedic benefits of the banyan tree. Its root is used to treat vomiting. The bark is used to treat diarrhea and upset stomach. It is also rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Diabetes is an incurable disease. It starts damaging everything from nerves to eyes. Due to high blood sugar, the functioning of the kidney starts deteriorating. Banyan bark can be used in this disease. According to research, it is used as a treatment for diabetes in Ayurveda.


Anti-tumor properties have been found in the banyan fruit. Some of its species have anti-bacterial properties, due to which it is used in Ayurveda as an anti-tumor agent. However, anti-fungal properties have not been seen in it.



Many types of problems start occurring due to increased inflammation in the body. This can cause swelling and pain from muscles to bones. Banyan bark has anti-inflammatory properties which help in making it anti-inflammatory.

immune system

immune system

If you want to strengthen your immunity, then this tree can be useful for you. According to research, its roots have immunomodulatory properties. Due to a weak immune system, infections easily attack the body.



This tree helps in healing wounds and injuries quickly. For a long time the reason behind this benefit was not known. But then researchers found that the chemicals present in it help in healing wounds quickly.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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