Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani's younger son Anant Ambani will choose Radhika Merchant as his life partner forever today. The baraat of Asia's richest businessman's son has reached the wedding venue. The car in which Anant Ambani will bring his bride Radhika Merchant after marrying her has also been decorated like a bride. The entire Ambani family along with the groom has left Antilia with the baraat and has reached Jio World Center. Security guards and other people danced a lot in the baraat, the videos of which are also trending on social media. Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani will take seven rounds at Jio World Center in BKC. After reaching Jio World Center, first there will be the ritual of tying the safa and after that there will be garland exchange at 8 pm.
Anant-Radhika's wedding: Jio Center is shining, wedding rituals will be held at 9:30 pm, PM Modi will arrive to give blessings on July 13
Special attention to every custom and culture
Mukesh Ambani left no stone unturned to make Anant's wedding memorable. Along with inviting famous personalities from India and abroad, he also took special care of every ritual and Indian culture in the wedding.
Radhika put the garland on Anant, the father got emotional and the daughter hugged him, these moments before the wedding will bring tears to your eyes Anant-Radhika Wedding: Priyanka Chopra-Nick Jonas arrived in Mumbai, Ram Charan spotted with his wife and daughter, a huge crowd of stars was seen
Anant-Radhika's wedding: 100 private jets ready, gifts worth crores returned to guests, NSG commandos deployed for security
Celebrities attended Anant Ambani-Radhika's wedding
Apart from former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and many international celebrities like John Cena and Kim Kardashian also attended the wedding. Apart from this, the entire Bachchan family including Jaya Bachchan and Amitabh have also reached the wedding. Priyanka Chopra has also reached the wedding with her husband Nick Jonas.
26743 crore rupees were spent on Radhika and Anant's wedding
Photos and videos have started coming in, which are in discussion. If the expenses from pre-wedding to wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are added, then it comes to around Rs 26743 crore. That means Mukesh Ambani has spent a lot on Anant's wedding.