Ajith Kumar recently met director Prashanth Neel. It is being said that the two discussed the possibility of working on two films. According to a DT Next report, the first film could be a stand-alone film, while the second could be connected to Yash's 'KGF' world. However, these projects will take at least a year to take off. Both these films may be produced by Vijay Kiragandur of Hombale Films.
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Prashanth Neel asked Ajith for 3 years time
The 'Valimai' actor is currently busy shooting for the film 'Vida Muyarchi' directed by Magizh Thirumeni. The film may hit the theatres on Diwali 2024. After 'Vida Muyarchi', he will start shooting for filmmaker Adhik Ravichandran's 'Good Bad Ugly'. Ajith met Prashanth Neel when he was on a break from the shooting of 'Vida Muyarchi'. It is reported that Prashanth has asked Ajith for three years.
Ajith will have the biggest role in KGF 3
The report said, 'He may first work for 'AK 64'. It will be a standalone project. It will go on the floor in 2025 and release in 2026. His second project, which could be his 65th or 66th film, will be the lead-up to 'KGF 3'. The climax of the second film will lead to 'KGF 3' and Ajith's character is considered to be the biggest in Prashanth Neel's cinematic universe.' It is known that 'KGF' had Yash, Srinidhi Shetty. The villain of this film was Garuda. In Part 2, Raveena Tandon played Ramika Sen and Sanjay Dutt played Adheera. The villain in this sequel was Adheera. Now it is being said that Ajith Kumar can become the villain in the third part.
KGF 3 will release next year
If everything goes well, Yash and Ajith may share the screen in 'KGF 3', which may release in theaters next year. Currently, Prashanth Neel has 'Salaar 2' and a film with Jr NTR, whose title is yet to be decided.
'Rocky Bhai's poisonous look caused havoc
On the other hand, the new look of 'Rocky Bhai' i.e. Yash has created a stir on social media. It is being told that this look is for his next film 'Toxic'. The director of this film is Geetu Mohandas. The film is under production. Regarding this look, celebrity hairstylist Alex Vijayakant said, 'When I heard the script, I felt that a short hairstyle would be perfect for this role.'
Action film 'Toxic' will be released next year
The film is a story of a drug mafia between the 1950s and 1970s. This action movie was announced last year and will hit the screens on April 10, 2025.