Many people have crooked teeth, so teeth braces treatment is used to correct such teeth. Teeth braces help in setting the teeth in their correct place and correcting your teeth and jaws. Many types of problems occur due to crooked teeth, they also get cured.
Teeth braces are also called teeth wire and after getting it installed, it is very important to take care of it properly, especially it is important to pay attention to food and drink. If proper care is not taken, then your teeth will not get the right shape. Let us know in this article what things should be kept in mind after getting teeth braces.
Avoid hard and sticky foods
Avoid hard and sticky foods such as nuts, popcorn and ice cubes. Also avoid sticky foods such as chewing gum, caramel, chocolate and toffee, as these can damage braces and cause bacteria to grow on the teeth.
Cut and eat fruits and vegetables
Eat large fruits or vegetables, such as apples or carrots, by cutting them into smaller pieces so that they are easier to chew and do not put extra pressure on the braces.
Know this before whitening your teeth
avoid chewing hard objects
Some people have a habit of putting pencils, pens in their mouths or biting their nails. Avoid such habits as they can damage braces and increase dental infections.
Avoid soda drinks
Limit your intake of soda and sugary beverages after getting braces, as these can increase the risk of tooth decay and plaque buildup around your braces.
attention to cleanliness
Do not be careless about taking care of your teeth after getting braces. Take regular cleaning and proper care, because after getting braces, the risk of bacteria in the teeth increases even more.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.
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