New Delhi: Congress MP Charanjit Singh Channi on Thursday said in the Lok Sabha that keeping an elected MP in jail under the National Security Act is an 'undeclared emergency', drawing a sharp reaction from the BJP, who said Channi was referring to jailed extremist Sikh preacher Amritpal Singh and that this proves that the Congress is with the Khalistanis. During a discussion on the budget in the Lok Sabha, former Punjab Chief Minister Channi alleged that BJP people talk about the Emergency of 1975 but at present there is an 'economic emergency' and 'undeclared emergency' in the country.
Charanjit Singh Channi mentioned Amritpal
Referring to the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections, he said that it is an emergency that an MP elected by 20 lakh voters in Punjab has been detained under the National Security Act (NSA). He cannot speak on behalf of the people of his constituency here. This is also an emergency. Channi did not name anyone during this, but BJP leaders claimed that the Congress MP was referring to Amritpal Singh, elected from Khadoor Sahib Lok Sabha.
Giriraj Singh called his statement unfortunate
Union Minister and BJP leader Giriraj Singh said that the statements made by Congress MP Channi inside Parliament are unfortunate. He said that today the Khalistanis who killed Indira Gandhi have got open support from Channi. This means that the Congress is with the Khalistanis. This is an attack on the integrity of India. I say that action should be taken. BJP spokesperson Shahzad Poonawala said on 'X' that the Congress will have to answer whether the party supports the idea of Khalistan, the idea due to which the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated in 1984.
He said why does Congress always support separatists and terrorists? Yakub, Afzal, 26/11 jihadis and now 'K' terrorists? BJP MP Dinesh Sharma demanded Channi's expulsion from the Congress. He told 'PTI Video' that today Channi, who does not have the capacity of even a penny, is speaking in support of terrorists and glorifying them. He is working at the behest of anti-national elements from Canada. Channi also said in his speech in the Lok Sabha that BJP calls thousands of farmers Khalistanis, this is also an emergency.