The celebration of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding is not over yet! Yes, Asia's richest businessman Mukesh Ambani is now preparing for a grand celebration in London for his younger son Anant and daughter-in-law Radhika. For this, the luxurious 7 star Stoke Park Hotel has been booked for two months from August to September. Once again, Hollywood and Bollywood stars, world's leading businessmen, political figures and even members of the British royal family are expected to attend this celebration. According to a report in 'The Sun', Mukesh Ambani has booked the 7 star Stoke Park Hotel till September. It is said that along with film stars, Prince Harry and former British PM Boris Johnson can also join this post-wedding celebration.
Mukesh Ambani took the property on lease in 2021
The Ambani family has chosen Stoke Park Estate for this celebration. Reliance Industries leased this estate for 57 million pounds in 2021. Soon after this, renovation work started in this 300-acre estate. Stoke Park Estate, located in Buckinghamshire, outside London, has a mansion, golf course and tennis courts.
Anant-Radhika tied the knot on July 12 in Mumbai
Anant Ambani married his girlfriend Radhika Merchant on July 12 in Mumbai. This was followed by a three-day reception party. Before this, several pre-wedding events took place in Jamnagar and then on a cruise. It is believed that the Ambani family has spent up to $500 million on this grand wedding.
Clubs and golf courses will remain closed for the general public for two months
According to a British newspaper report, this Stoke Park Hotel located in London has been closed for the general public for a long time. But it has been open for the members of the Ambani family. Now Mukesh Ambani has booked the hotel for two months. In such a situation, about 850 members of the estate's golf course club have been asked to stay away from the club till September.
Security is being increased around the Stoke Park Estate
In view of this celebration of the Ambani family, security has been tightened in Stoke Park Estate and the surrounding area. Obviously, there will be many celebrations in the hotel for two months, in which celebrities like Boris Johnson, Tony Blair, Cherie Blair and Prince Harry are expected to attend. In such a situation, preparations have already started regarding security and arrangements.