Tuesday has been better than expected for both Bollywood films 'Bad News' and 'Sarfira' at the box office. After Monday, the earnings of both the films have increased on Tuesday as well. However, Akshay Kumar's 'Sarfira' is now in such a state that it does not care about earning more or less, but Vicky Kaushal, Tripti Dimri and Amy Virk's 'Bad News' has shown its strong hold. 'Bad News', which has passed the test of the first Monday, has also earned well on Tuesday. On the fifth day of its release, it has done more or less the same business as on the fourth day. On Tuesday, this film directed by Anand Tiwari has performed well in the Mumbai circuit. Along with this, it is also doing good business in Delhi-NCR and East Punjab. However, it has not been able to earn even half of the 2019 release 'Good News' (94.60 crores in 5 days). Also, the budget of 'Bad News' is Rs 75-80 crores.
'Bad News' earned Rs 3.65 crore on the 5th day
According to the report of sacnilk, 'Bad News' has made a net collection of Rs 3.65 crore on the 5th day i.e. Tuesday. A day before, i.e. on Monday, it had earned Rs 3.50 crore. This can be considered a good earning in terms of working days after the weekend. The total collection of 'Bad News' at the Indian box office in five days is Rs 36.85 crore. This film can earn Rs 44-45 crore in its first week till Thursday.
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Worldwide collection of 'Bad News'
'Bad News', based on a rare pregnancy condition called Heteroparental Superfecundation, has earned Rs 66 crore worldwide. Thus, its worldwide earnings can reach around Rs 80 crore in the first week.
'Deadpool and Wolverine' is released on Friday
The biggest worry for 'Bad News' now is 'Deadpool and Wolverine' which is releasing on Friday. There is a lot of excitement in India about this film of Marvel Cinematic Universe. This film will do good business especially in circuits like Delhi-NCR, Mumbai. Obviously, 'Bad News' may have to bear the loss due to this.
First Review: People went crazy after watching Deadpool and Wolverine! Said- The best movie of Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds
'Sarfira' earned only Rs 35 lakh on Tuesday
On the other hand, Akshay Kumar's 'Sarfira' is now on ventilator. The film has flopped within 12 days of its release. This is the 8th flop film of Akshay Kumar's career after 'Sooryavanshi' in 2021. Directed by Sudha Kongara, this film earned only Rs 25 lakh on Monday. While on Tuesday the earnings increased slightly to Rs 35 lakh. But it is clear that now the boat of this film has sunk. 'Sarfira' has made a net collection of only Rs 21.80 crore at the Indian box office in 12 days.
Akshay Kumar was heartbroken by his films continuously flopping, he got emotional and said- now I will focus more on content
Worldwide collection of 'Sarfira'
The budget of this film of Akshay Kumar is Rs 100 crore. Whereas the worldwide collection in 12 days is only Rs 31.30 crore. This is Akshay Kumar's second consecutive flop film after 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan' in the year 2024. The actor has also broken his silence on this. He has said that he feels very sad when the film flops. He also said that from now on he will choose projects more thoughtfully.