It is very important for parents to stay close to their children, then friends will not be able to brainwash them

Ananya Shroff
3 Min Read
It is very important for parents to stay close to their children, then friends will not be able to brainwash them

It is very important for parents to stay close to their children as it lets them know what is going on in their child's life and they can help them whenever they need it. As children grow up, they start drifting away from their parents. However, parents should stay close to their child and build a supportive relationship with him or her.

Staying close and connected to your child helps the child feel secure and also provides the right guidance during difficult times. Here are some ways in which you can stay close to your child.

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Communication is very important for any relationship. You should talk to your child and develop mutual understanding in your relationship. You should listen to the child and show him that you are interested in what he has to say. The child should not feel uncomfortable while talking. Create an environment where the child can express himself openly. Apart from this, you should also take care of the child's privacy and freedom.

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must be given freedom

In an article published in the Times of India, mental health and relationship expert Ashmin Munjal says that as children grow up, they need the freedom to make their own decisions. Parents should trust their children's choices and support them. However, giving freedom does not mean that you do not set clear boundaries.

You should also join in

You should also join in

Create an environment where you are involved in the child's daily routine. Participate in activities that interest the child and be available for him. Spending quality time with the child increases his confidence and enthusiasm.

Be emotionally present

Be emotionally present

Be emotionally present for your children when they need you. Celebrate your child's accomplishments. Celebrate even the smallest of achievements. Let your child know that you are always there for him. You will be there for him through thick and thin.

Adopt a child-like lifestyle

Adopt a child-like lifestyle

You should try to adopt the lifestyle of the child. You should also be a little open and flexible with changing times. You should have a positive influence on the child. Your actions and behavior affect the child's emotions. Sit with the child and tell him some stories that inspire and encourage him.

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