In Mahabharata, even though an Apsara cursed Arjuna to be impotent, every woman wants such a man

During the exile in Mahabharata, Yudhishthira realized that even if he completes his exile, the cunning Duryodhana will not return the kingdom of Hastinapur to him. Therefore, all the Pandavas started trying different ways to increase their power. Yudhishthira told Arjuna to go to Indra and bring weapons. Arjuna also got the boon of going to Indralok by doing penance of Shiva-Parvati.

In Indralok, Arjun received weapons as well as a curse from Apsara. However, the reason behind this incident increased Arjun's qualities even more. He benefited from this curse. Not only this, even in today's era, women like men like Arjun. You must be wondering why this is so. So let us tell you the biggest reason for this. (Photo courtesy: AI, pexels)

Urvashi was fascinated by Arjun's masculinity

Arjuna, who came to Indralok to get weapons, kept trying to please Indra. One day Indra told Arjuna that along with learning weapons, he should also learn dance. On Indra's order, Arjuna started watching the dance of Apsaras to learn the nuances of dance. Seeing this, one of the Apsaras, Urvashi, felt that Arjuna liked her. So she told Arjuna that she was fascinated by his beauty and masculinity. She also proposed marriage to Arjuna.

Arjuna is cursed for his refusal

Arjun was shocked to hear Urvashi's words and while walking away he said, 'Indradev is like my father, so being his lover you are like my mother, no man can talk like this to a woman like his mother. You have made a mistake. I have never looked at you with lustful eyes.'

When Urvashi heard Arjuna calling her 'Mata', she felt insulted. She thought that Arjuna was proud of his manhood. So Urvashi cursed him that he would lose his manhood and become impotent forever.

The curse became a boon for Arjuna

The curse became a boon for Arjuna

Arjuna told Indra the story of the curse given by Urvashi. Then Indra said that I cannot completely change the curse given by Urvashi but I can do this much for you that you will become impotent in any one year of your life and you can choose this one year as per your wish. This curse will work like a boon for you.

During his one year exile in Matsya country, Arjuna's curse from Urvashi turned out to be a boon. Arjuna disguised himself as a eunuch and taught dance and music to Uttara, daughter of King Virata. Exactly one year later, Arjuna regained his lost manhood.

Everyone likes men who stick to their boundaries

Everyone likes men who stick to their boundaries

Be it Lord Shri Ram or Arjun, women always like men who live within limits. Indra had tested Arjun by asking him to learn dance and Arjun had succeeded in it. Similarly, even in today's time, girls like a true boy who is not attracted to anyone without reason. Rather, he takes decisions only by staying within his limits.

Beauty doesn't matter

Beauty doesn't matter

Arjuna proved in his test that physical beauty does not matter to him. His mind did not wander for a moment on Urvashi's proposal. He remained focused on the purpose for which he had come to Indralok. Every girl wants that her partner does not even look at anyone else. And this quality is clearly seen in Arjuna.

Such men are very rare these days

Such men are very rare these days

In Kaliyug, if a boy finds the most beautiful girl in the world, he will probably accept her without thinking anything. Even if he is married. But knowing the way Arjun rejected Urvashi in Mahabharata, every woman will be proud of him. Also, they would also wish that they too get a partner like this.

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