Jyotiraditya's mother Rajmata Madhavi Raje used to live in a palace worth 45000 crores, you will be surprised to see the pictures

Madhavi Raje, the queen mother of Scindia royal family and mother of Jyotiraditya Scindia, is no more in this world. She breathed her last on 15 May last month in AIIMS, Delhi. Madhavi Raje lived a royal life in Gwalior's Jai Vilas Palace, staying away from politics. The palace in which she lived a luxurious royal life is said to be worth about 45,000 crores. The palace is so beautiful to look at from inside that the one who sees the pictures will be surprised. Let us tell you about the specialty of Madhavi Raje's palace. (Photo courtesy: jaivilaspalace.in, Wikimedia Commons)

In 1996, Madhavi Raje entered the royal family as a daughter-in-law.

In 1996, she married Madhavrao Scindia and became the daughter-in-law of the Gwalior royal family. Madhavi Raj spent her entire life away from the glare of politics. Madhavi Raje lived in the 400-room Jai Vilas Palace in Gwalior. According to media reports, the value of this palace is currently Rs 45,000 crore.

The whole palace is built on European architecture.

Let us tell you that Jai Vilas Palace was built by Maharaj Jiwaji Rao Scindia of Gwalior State in 1874. It is built on European architecture. Maharaj Jiwaji Rao Scindia got its design prepared by a French architect.

Jai Vilas Palace is a three storey palace.

Jai Vilas Palace is a three storey palace.

Jai Vilas Palace has three floors. Its first floor is built in Taskin style, while the second floor is built in Doric and the third floor is built in Corinthian style.

Persian and Italian marble has been used

Persian and Italian marble has been used

Persian and Italian marble has been used in this 150-year-old Jai Vilas Palace. The doors are covered with gold. It took a long time of 12 years to build this palace.

The hall of the palace is studded with diamond jewellery

The hall of the palace is studded with diamond jewellery

According to media reports, the hall on the second floor of Jai Vilas Palace is the most beautiful. This hall has been designed with gold, silver and diamonds. At the same time, a magnificent chandelier has been installed inside the palace, which weighs about 3300 kg.

The special thing about Jai Vilas Palace is that a silver train is used to serve food to the guests in the Durbar Hall. More than 100 people can eat here at a time.

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