Diabetes patients are also at risk of a nerve disease called diabetic amyotrophy, know what this problem is

Diabetes is a common disease, but it is very dangerous. Diabetes can cause many potential complications. Diabetes brings with it many problems such as kidney problems, heart problems, diabetic neuropathy or diabetic amyotrophy.
In this article we will talk about diabetic amyotrophy, a rare type of diabetic neuropathy. It only affects patients suffering from diabetes.

According to the National Institutes of Health Diabetic amyotrophy damages the nerves of the body. These include nerves of the hip, buttock, thigh and leg. Sometimes it also affects the chest and abdomen. In this article we will learn about its causes, symptoms and treatment.

Causes of diabetic amyotrophy

The main cause of diabetic amyotrophy is high blood sugar levels in the body over a long period of time. When blood sugar levels are too high, it can damage nerves and affect nerve function. Poor metabolism and poor blood circulation in the body can also worsen this condition.

Symptoms of diabetic amyotrophy

Diabetic amyotrophy has a variety of symptoms, which may include:

  • nerve pain
  • severe pain in the hip, thigh, or buttock
  • stomach pain
  • weakness in the thigh muscles
  • Difficulty standing for a while

Diabetic amyotrophy prevention

Diabetic amyotrophy is a problem that only occurs in people with diabetes. The most important thing to prevent it is to keep your diabetes under control as much as possible.

Get physical therapy

Physical therapy can also give you relief from this problem. This therapy can help you maintain your muscles and function better.

do the exercise

To avoid diabetic amyotrophy, do yoga, exercise or walk at home. This will strengthen your muscles and also provide relief from pain.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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